ReaLEstate - Luxury Complex Joomla 5 Template
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ReaLEstate - Luxury Complex Joomla 5 Template is based on Helix Ultimate Framework and SP Page Builder as page builder, ReaLEstate - Luxury Complex Joomla Template is by far a multi-purpose and responsive theme allowing you to set up your own web page without painfulness with its outstanding feature such as varied header with unlimited styles, drag & drop Page Builder, speed & SEO optimized, custom css, widgets customised.
With addon contact you can easily add contact form, and addon form builder for professional booking form' easy to configure, to add fields.
ReaLEstate - Luxury Complex Joomla Template have layout generator, so you can add your own positions , easy and fast.
- PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2
- RTL language layout
- Helix Ultimate Framework
- Made with Sp Page Builder 5
- Quickinstall
- Megamenu
- Layout builder
- Responsive
- Clean & Minimal Hotel template
- Contact form
- Css custom in every addon tab, soiseasy to custom
- Color change
- Typography change
- Parallax
- Background gradient
- Over 40 addons
- SEO & SMM Optimised
- Multilingual Support
- Post Formats
- 600 Google Fonts
- Logo Option
- Favicon option
- Custom Code
- Social Share
- Social Icons
- Fluid and Boxed Layout
- FontAwesome
- Sticky Header
- Facebook Open Graph Data
- and more
Quickstart installation included
We included quickinstall zip for you to have our demo in seconds. Quickinstall is joomla installed + templates, extensions, plugins, configured and ready to use in your websites. You need to upload on your server, to create new database, user, add user to database and hit install button. Easy, clean, fast to have our demo on your server.
Detailed documentation
In our pack, please check our documentation. In documentation, you can find all about ReaLEstate - Luxury Complex Joomla Template, how to install, configure and more.
Premium Support
Need help? We are here to help you with any issue, question. We want to help you fast and your business to growth.
Nov 13 2024
- SP Page Builder 5x
- Joomla Updated
- Quickinstall updated with Joomla and Extensions Updated
- Css fixes -Security Improved
Oct 16 2024
- SP Page Builder 5x
- New Twitter icon Added support for OpenAI models: GPT-4, GPT-4 Turbo, GPT-4o Mini, and GPT-4o.
- Improved the Media Manager's search functionality to allow searches based on filename with its extension.
- Resolved autoplay issues for slideshow video backgrounds on iPhones.
- Fixed the inability to insert attachments in the Frontend Editor.
- Corrected avatar margin styling and image rendering issues in the Testimonial addon.
- Resolved date format issue for the datetime attribute in the Article addon.
- Addressed permission issues for delete, create, and edit actions in Media Manager, ensuring compliance with allowed user groups.
- Corrected HTML errors when lazyloading is enabled in the Image addon.
- Resolved issues with height and width values when uploading or replacing through the media field.
- Fixed autoplay functionality for Testimonial Pro slides when using arrow controls.
- Div addon background image overlay not working.
Feb 28 2024
- Joomla 5 Template
- Joomla 5 Quickinstall
- PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2
- SP Page Builder 5x
- FontAwesome 5 and 6 Fixes
- Resolved frontend media upload issue when using thirdparty editors
- Fixed the issue with navigation font settings not working on Offcanvas
- Images and Links not working in frontend article edit even if enabled from settings
Fixes Sp Page Builder
- Fixed the addon ACL issue within the Div addon
- Fixed RTL mode dropdown position issue in the backend editor
- Addressed the Form Builder addon’s redirect issue regarding incorrect captcha
- Resolved the Icon addon’s hover color issue
- Resolved the Feature Box addon’s icon style issue
- Fixed the inability to add negative values in the addon zindex field
May 08 2023
New version of SP Page Builder Version 3.8.10
Bug Fix:
- Column background overlay (pattern) issue.
- Addon custom CSS auto ID generate issue.
- Droptables custom addon issue.
- Addon text editor emoji support issue.
- XSS vulnerability warning issue from Bootstrap
All new updates are in folder Extensions-Update and can be installed manually from Joomla Administrator.
After installation, clean cache. Don't forget to make full backup before installing this update. *********************************************************************************03.11.2022: Minor CSS Fixes for socials in footer and form color hover. Extensions Updated Joomla 4 compatibility Quickinstall for Joomla 4 New Documentation with images and better steps for installation
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