Greenleaf - Gardening, Lawn & Landscaping Joomla 5 Template
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Greenleaf is a Joomla Template Landscaping, Lawn Services, Groundskeepers, Landscape Architects, Gardeners, Florists, Agriculture and companies that offer related services.
Compatible with Joomla 4 and PHP 8.0 - Template
Compatible with Joomla 5 and PHP 8.2, 8.1 - Quickinstall and entire package
Build your site easy, with our Quickstart pack (quick demo installation) and you don't need to install Joomla and other extensions, just upload zip on your server, unzip and start installation (you have all of this in documentation).
Greenleaf is a modern template, made with the latest technologies, and you don't need PHP knowledge to change something; using the best page builder, you can custom your text color, size, font, from add-on, easy, simple, fast, and you can do this using Front view or Backend.
- Joomla 5
- HikaShop
- Helix Framework Ultimate
- Quickinstall Joomla 5
- Megamenu
- Layout builder
- Responsive
- Contact form
- CSS custom in every addon tab, so easy to custom
- Color change
- Typography change
- Parallax
- Background gradient
- Over 40 addons
- SEO & SMM Optimised
- Multilingual Support
- Post Formats
- 600 Google Fonts
- Logo Option
- Favicon option
- Custom Code
- Social Share
- Social Icons
- Fluid and Boxed Layout
- FontAwesome
- Sticky Header
- Facebook Open Graph Data
- Mobile layout
- and more
HikaShop – The best E-Commerce extension for Joomla
In summary, Greenleaf - Gardening, Lawn & Landscaping Joomla 5 Template is a feature-rich and visually stunning theme that combines the power of Joomla 5 and HikaShop to create a professional online presence for your gardening and landscaping business. It empowers you to showcase your services, sell products, and engage with your audience effectively.
Greenleaf offers a range of customizable features and functionalities, allowing you to personalize your website according to your branding needs. The template provides numerous layout options, color schemes, and typography choices, enabling you to create a unique and visually captivating online presence.
With its comprehensive documentation and user-friendly interface, Greenleaf is easy to set up and customize. It offers powerful tools and extensions that enhance the functionality of your website, such as sliders, galleries, contact forms, and social media integration.
Quickstart installation included
We included Quick-install zip for you to have our demo in seconds. Quickinstall is joomla installed + templates, extensions, plugins, configured and ready to use in your websites. You need to upload on your server, to create a new database, user, add a user to the database and hit the install button.
Detailed documentation
In our pack, please check our documentation. In the documentation, you can find all about our template, how to install, configure and more.
Dec 03 2024
- Joomla 5 updated
- Quickinstall updated
- CSS fixes
- Extensions updated
- Twitter icon fixed
Mar 08 2024
New SP Page Builder
- Added Image Shapes and CSS Effects in the Image addon
- Content Truncation option added in the Text Block addon
- Included ACL functionality in the Row settings for better access control management
- Added option to include SEO data while exporting page
- Radius option added in the Options section of the Gallery addon
Updates SP Page Builder
- Enhanced accessibility for Tab, Form Builder, and Feature Box addons
- Improved code editor and system editor to adapt to various display resolutions
- Google Map API updated to address deprecation issues
- Resolved pagerelated ACL issues
- Fixed addons’ zindex issue
- Fixed Div addon custom position issue
- Fixed Search plugin’s sorting issue
- Resolved Video addon’s YouTube shorts functionality issue
Sep 27 2023
Helix Framework:
- New module position logged-in-usermenu added on user logged in menu
- Custom Style Preset $scssVars issue
- Menu icon not working
Sp Page Builder 5 NEW
- Implemented a feature to fix legacy page content for improved compatibility
- Added a new "Border" field to enhance design customization options
- Fixed multiword search issue on page list page.
- Fixed the team carousel item links
- Fixed an issue with the Tab addon's icon or image options
- Fixed a bug where accordion bodies were missing
- Fixed the missing child issue within deep nested row in the layers panel
- Included missing selector text and textrelated settings for images and icons in the modal addon
- Fixed issue displaying only the initial category in multiselect for article addon.
Sp Page Builder 3 Fixes
- Column background overlay (pattern) issue.
- Addon custom CSS auto ID generate issue.
- Droptables custom addon issue.
- Addon text editor emoji support issue.
- XSS vulnerability warning issue from Bootstrap
- Upgrade option from SP PageBuilder 3 to SP PageBuilder 5
May 22 2023
- HikaShop included in Quickinstall
- Quickinstall is updated: Joomla, Extensions, Template
- CSS, JS are changed with new code for HikaShop
May 08 2023
New version of SP Page Builder Version 3.8.10
Bug Fix:
- Column background overlay (pattern) issue.
- Addon custom CSS auto ID generate issue.
- Droptables custom addon issue.
- Addon text editor emoji support issue.
- XSS vulnerability warning issue from Bootstrap
All new updates are in folder Extensions-Update and can be installed manually from Joomla Administrator.
After installation, clean cache. Don't forget to make full backup before installing this update. *********************************************************************************Added html steps: ##February 03, 2023
New folder how-to-update-to-joomla4 is added in main zip pack.
Unzip main zip pack and open index.html from folder how-to-update-to-joomla4 into your browser.
All steps that need to be made to update your Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 using 2 methods: Step by step or using Quickinstall.
How to prepare your Joomla 3 website before updating to Joomla 4.
20.10.2022 - Extension updated to latest version.
- Template updated to Joomla 4 ** new**
- Extensions updated to Joomla 4 ** new**
- Quickinstall for Joomla 4 ** new**
- Documentation for Joomla 4 with images and detailed ** new**
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