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shoppingBag Försäljning: 62

Created: 9 okt. 2014

Updated: 9 okt. 2014

ID: 51790

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September 02, 2016- We updated the engine version to Joomla 3.4.8;

7 Reviews for this product

I use this template in this website: http://diselec-cr.com/ and I recommend it because it is a template with high visual impact, attractive and easy to implement and modify I am a webmaster and I liked this template very much, the same client liked it and that is why he chose it for his website. An easy to install and use template, it meets all current requirements for a website such as being responsive, light, attractive and easy to navigate. Access to style and color changes is very simple and it allowed me to easily adjust the template to the corporate image of the final client. The modules that it brings are very useful and give a lot of dynamism to the template and the technical support of template monster has been very useful. I have years of using templatemonster templates on my websites and I have always liked them because they offer a great variety of options and possibilities, which allows me to deliver a variety of websites to my clients with very beautiful designs that meet the expectations of my clients and myself. I have always had the support and technical support of the Template og体育首页 staff in case of doubts or adjustments in the templates purchased from this company and they have always given me a quick solution to my questions or requested help. I really liked the graphical interface of the template and above all that it is very easy to modify the elements and style sheets to be able to adapt the whole team to the corporate image of my client. All the elements of the templates to be modified are easy to locate and that speeds up my redesign process according to the requirements of the client and their products or services. Activating, deactivating or modifying the modules that the template brings is an easy task to carry out and that allows me to adjust the entire website to what I need and deactivate what I do not need in order to be able to use it later. I only had a problem with the home slider, because when viewing it on cell phones it did not adjust the images to the size of the cell phone screen (the responsive one did not work), unfortunately I contacted the module's creator company and I had very bad service and assistance, for I couldn't solve the problem and then I installed another slider module that works perfectly on cell phones, that was the only drawback, all the rest of the template works perfectly for me and zero problems with the template
Das ist ein super Template für Webdesigner von Templatemonster. Die Anpassungen sind sehr einfach zu machen und alles ist gut. Ein perfektes Template bei dem man ohne große Vorkenntnisse ein fabelhaftes Ergebnis der Webseite erhält. Alle Module und Komponenten sind sehr gut beschrieben und der Code ist übersichtlich und gut strukturiert. Die vielen Funktionen lassen keine Wünsche offen. Ich kann dieses Template sehr empfehlen!
Very Easy to use, had website and content up in a day and working fine.
très bon Template, seul point négatif pas de liens sur les trois banners
Thank you for your comment. It's made purposely to let you put your own links. If you don't know how to do this, please visit our live chat - http://chat.template-help.com/
The design aspect is great, however even some of the most basic templates out there allow you to make quick color tweaks in the template area. This template does not. So if you want the Yellow/Gray color, perfect. If you instead would like to change it to reflect your colors, well get out your css glasses and start searching.
Thank you for your review. This tutorial will show you how to change color scheme in Joomla Template - http://cg6k.landaiztc.com/help/joomla-3-x-how-to-change-basic-colors.html If any assistance is required, please reopen your support ticket - CFK-476-20573 . We'll be glad to help you!

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