Bluwstein Co - Environmental Joomla Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 44

Created: Apr 3, 2017

Updated: Apr 3, 2017

ID: 63595

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500k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
Bluwstein Co - Environmental Joomla Template - Features Image 1Bluwstein Co - Environmental Joomla Template - Features Image 2Bluwstein Co - Environmental Joomla Template - Features Image 3Bluwstein Co - Environmental Joomla Template - Features Image 4Bluwstein Co - Environmental Joomla Template - Features Image 5Bluwstein Co - Environmental Joomla Template - Features Image 6Bluwstein Co - Environmental Joomla Template - Features Image 7Bluwstein Co - Environmental Joomla Template - Features Image 8Bluwstein Co - Environmental Joomla Template - Features Image 9Bluwstein Co - Environmental Joomla Template - Features Image 10
Want to spread the popularity of your water waste solutions? Grab Environmental Water Systems Joomla Template with easy-on-the-eyes backgrounds and neat design to make your site appeal to the target audience of your business. Integrated smart slider will present the main advantages of your company in the best light and will immerse a visitor straight away into browsing your store.Skillfully crafted MegaMenu will provide for a seamless navigation, in addition, users will be able to reach necessary pages in a matter of few clicks by means of live search. Thanks to responsive design you will be able to wider your target audience and make the process of shopping in your store convenient for each and everyone. Take advantage of rich UI kit, theme color switcher, Google fonts and other handy customization opportunities to tweak the look of this development in line with your corporate identity. Take a close look at Environmental Water Systems Joomla Template with the live demo preview.

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This Business Joomla design theme is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design renders a website page similar nicely on any sort of display size.

Why is it Good?

Responsive webpage design helps to get consistent consumer experience and give you a complete access to the internet site information from any electronic device.

Newest Responsive Joomla templates here

This is a Parallax Small Business Joomla design theme

What is it?

Parallax is a CSS animation effect that enables background images move less quickly than the front content. It is one of the most advanced tendencies in the current website design.

Why is it Good?

Animation effects make the web property more dynamic and interesting. Parallax is some sort of current trend, hence having it at your web site not only can make it more attractive but in addition fancier.

View latest Parallax Joomla design themes here

This is Business Company Joomla theme with Portfolio

What is it?

This is a feature which allows showcasing your works in a particular area. A creative project, made to show the complete experience of a specialist, to demonstrate his skills.

Why is it Good?

Craftsmen, designers, and service providers should have a portfolio functionality to show their works and attract potential customers.

View more Portfolio Joomla templates here

This is a Bootstrap Business Joomla design

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open source grid-based framework that allows the creation of mobile-ready websites.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap scales any of your websites from mobile phones to desktops using the same codebase. It makes the web developing process efficient and effortless.

Fresh Bootstrap Joomla design templates here

1 Reviews for this product

Шаблон отлично подошел к фирменному стилю клиента. Проблем с покупкой не возникло. Благодаря наличию в комплекте с шаблоном быстрого старта для установки CMS-системы Joomla, развертывание сайта на сервере прошло быстро и гладко. Шаблон обладает приятной анимацией, мобильной адаптивностью, необходимыми модулями и набором иконок и изображений. Шаблон отлично подошел для сайта-визитки организации. Благодаря масштабируемости, смогли разместить всю необходимую информацию о клиенте.

1 Comments for this product

Can you tell me the Joomla Compatibility?
Hello, Lati! Thank you for your question. This template is compatible with Joomla 3.2-3.7. Have a nice day!

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Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
