Kidsonet - Responsive Kids Medical Clinic Joomla Template

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Created: Mar 22, 2018

Updated: Mar 22, 2018

ID: 67867

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Kidsonet - Responsive Kids Medical Clinic Joomla Template - Features Image 1Kidsonet - Responsive Kids Medical Clinic Joomla Template - Features Image 2Kidsonet - Responsive Kids Medical Clinic Joomla Template - Features Image 3Kidsonet - Responsive Kids Medical Clinic Joomla Template - Features Image 4Kidsonet - Responsive Kids Medical Clinic Joomla Template - Features Image 5Kidsonet - Responsive Kids Medical Clinic Joomla Template - Features Image 6Kidsonet - Responsive Kids Medical Clinic Joomla Template - Features Image 7Kidsonet - Responsive Kids Medical Clinic Joomla Template - Features Image 8

This Joomla template is made with kindness and care for private children medical treatment. While creating this theme we kept in mind all the things that could calm down or entertain kids while they're on the treatment. The design is bright, colorful and has lots of funny or cute elements. Thanks to responsive design it will look nice and sharp on every type of device - mobile phones, tablets or PCs. The template has a blog functionality, so you will be able to share some advice for parents and freshest news. The gallery could be organized in multiple layouts and it will be only up to you which to choose.

This Medical Services Joomla design is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design ensures that the page adjusts its shape and size to suit any specific screen, from the tiniest mobile phones to the largest Computer displays. For any device, internet page components widen or reduce to appear ideal.

Why is it Good?

With the expanding fascination with smartphones, the number of users who log on to the internet sites from cell phones has expanded a lot. Such a functionality allows you to modify websites to mobile devices and a variety of screen extensions, finally providing mobile device owners with enhanced options.

Fresh Responsive Joomla templates here

This Home & Family Magazine Joomla theme is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready is a design that is successfully adjusted to high pixel density displays.

Why is it Good?

Being Retina Ready your website results in being available from Apple gadgets which expands the group of prospective clients.

Find latest Retina Ready Joomla themes here

This is a Bootstrap Family Planning Center Joomla design theme

What is it?

Bootstrap is a range of instruments with an open source code. It is great for building websites and web applications with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is a very useful tool and that is the simple reason it's well-known. Utilizing this framework, it is also possible to build responsive design, appropriate for any form of display size, prototype new layouts with no challenges and make sure your web page happens to be cross-browser compatible.

View latest Bootstrap Joomla design templates here


Update (December 26, 2018): - Updated Joomla to version 3.9.1; - FIX: minor bugs .

3 Reviews for this product

Excelente plantilla. Totalmente recomendable, es muy fácil de configurar y lo mejor de todo es que puede ser modificada totalmente (módulos, textos, colores, etc.)
Krásná šablona, která se úplně hodí pro web zaměžený na děti. Šablona je pestrá s mnoha možnostmi pro naplnění obsahem. Ukázková data vám velmi zjednoduší práci zejména pro představu, kde a jak byste na webu mohli umístit váš vlastní obsah. Je možné použít obrázky, které jsou součástí šablony, ale vše můžete také samozřejmě vyměnit a nahradit je obrázky svými. Šablona je pojata moderním stylem s poměrně velkým množstvím přiložených modulů.
Beautiful and best template. Easy to edit and customize. Must have !!

1 Comments for this product

Will this template work with Joomla 4 or are you planing to make it a Joomla 4 template? If all not, do you have a similar template for Joomla 4?

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