Construx – Építőipari és építőipari Joomla 5 sablon
og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

Változási napló
July 20 2024
- SP Page Builder Updated
- twitter icon updated Fixes
- Resolved the Slideshow addon’s missing styles issue.
- Fixed the Masonry Layout height issue in the Article addon.
- Addressed the duplicate addon ID issue within nested items in the Slideshow addon.
- Fixed the margin and padding issue with Carousel addon items.
- Margin and padding responsive issue on page edit.
- Resolved the drag and drop functionality issue when the Layers panel remains open.
- Fixed the folder selection issue in the Gallery addon.
- Resolved the issue where the close button in the Frontend editor redirects to the wrong URL.
- Adjusted alignment of the add and bulk buttons in the Gallery Addon
- Removed the bulk image insert option from the Client Addon
- Added option to include custom SVG image shapes in the Image addon.
- Added the “Zoom on Hover” option in the Image addon.
- Added “ Add Bulk Items” option to add multiple items in the Gallery Addon
- Added predefined layouts for the Articles Addon
December 19 2023
- Quickinstall for Joomla 5
- Plugin Updated
- Sp Page Builder 5 updated
- Sp Page Builder updated from v3 to v5
- Documentation updated
- PHP 8.1 and 8.2 Updates
- Improved accessibility to Accordion, Button, Article, Tab, Icon, Icon Group, Alert, Image Content, and Form Builder addons
- Responsive options added for carousel gap (Testimonial Carousel, Image Carousel & Client addons)
- Div addon’s hidden by device functionality improved
- Added the option to hide input labels in the Form Builder addon
- Added deep integration of EasyStore pagination status addon Fixes
- Fixed column responsive issue for xs device
- Fixed Addon Access Level issue in the Backend Editor
- Fixed EasyStore common addon dropping & sorting issue of Product List item
- Fixed popover addon custom class missing issue
May 08 2023
New version of SP Page Builder Version 3.8.10
Bug Fix:
- Column background overlay (pattern) issue.
- Addon custom CSS auto ID generate issue.
- Droptables custom addon issue.
- Addon text editor emoji support issue.
- XSS vulnerability warning issue from Bootstrap
All new updates are in folder Extensions-Update and can be installed manually from Joomla Administrator.
After installation, clean cache. Don't forget to make full backup before installing this update. *********************************************************************************Added html steps: ##February 03, 2023
- New folder how-to-update-to-joomla4 is added in main zip pack.
- Unzip main zip pack and open index.html from folder how-to-update-to-joomla4 into your browser.
- All steps that need to be made to update your Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 using 2 methods: Step by step or using Quickinstall.
- How to prepare your Joomla 3 website before updating to Joomla 4.
3 Reviews for this product
very clean template and great support! I had some problems with Page Builder Addons and the author helped me within a few hours!
Thank you
Next of my favourite themes. It was simple to install and the vast examples made it even easier to get the website operational.
Thank you so much.
A very good template, easy to use. Many thanks to the developer.
Thank you so much for your review.
You ca check our latest template if you need other templates.
Thank you
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